Integrated Courses
Beginning from Han'Geul 한글 all the way to advanced grammatical concepts and true Korean fluency, the 45 Essential Korean Courses provide a structured, thoughtful curriculum developed by Kay샘, building off her 25 years of experience teaching and writing academic textbooks and workbooks.
The courses are designed specifically for students to learn and practice together, with curated exercises and worksheets to reinforce key points and build communicative skills through dialogue. All members can also ask questions inside each section of the course as well as access a catalogue of previous questions asked by others.

★ PREMIUM – Classes
Our weekly classes for premium members provide tailored education in a dynamic setting – take advantage of organized coursework, live linguistic training, instant responses, and learning from classmates, guiding your path to proficiency in Korean and cultural comprehension.
For new premium members, we offer live classes led by Kay샘 to get integrated in the space while meeting others to study with– it's a wonderful way to build a routine for learning Korean that's both sustainable and fun!
Learning With Others

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